Single Throw's Internet Marketing Post

Single Throw is an Internet Marketing firm that helps businesses with sales lead generation by making sure your message is in the right place at the right time - when a customer is searching and has need - when they are most likely to make a buying decision. We call this "From Search to Success." In this blog, Single Throw's experts will share their insights on the state of business and marketing, both online and offline, as well explore new areas of Internet Marketing.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Serving your customers

A goldfish walks into a bar and looks at the bartender. The bartender asks, "What can I get you?" The goldfish says, "Water."

In real life, it seems like a simple concept, doesn’t it? A goldfish wants water. The bartender is an idiot. Yet how many times have you gone to a website, typically as the result of clicking on a search result, expecting to be served what you want yet find yourself fishing around (sorry about the pun) the site to get it.

This post by Single Throw's Caryl Felicetta is featured today on Click here to read on...